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2017年成立HERO(Healing, Empowerment, Recovery Of Chemsex)「藥愛療癒復元中心」,提供友善、整合及快速之創新性健康服務,並以「治療、復元及增能」為核心經營理念,營造一個友善的氛圍,安全的環境。HERO有別一般傳統照顧模式,提供安全的「性治療環境」、服務需要的人,我們有性病以及與性相關問題的門診,包含了各式的性病與愛滋病毒治療與預防、PEP及PrEP使用指引以及Chemsex(藥愛:在性愛過程中使用成癮藥物)相關的性議題等。由整合成癮治療、復元及增能為核心概念,創造一個快速便捷的治療環境。我們期望所有潛在性健康風險的對象能在最短的時間內,得到最有效及精準的治療。



Taiwan Love and Hope Association was founded in 1999. It is the first advocacy group in southern Taiwan promoting the prevention and control of HIV and AIDS. Love and Hope is also one of the very few NGOs that concerns about substance use and abuse issues in southern Taiwan. Our team members include professionals from various disciplines: health, medicine, counselling and social work. 

Our core value and beliefs are respect, care and acceptance from a humanitarian perspective. Our main tasks include disease prevention and communication, companionship and care, client empowerment, and education for infected persons. We care about infection and transmission of HIV, and provide comprehensive service and support. We promote and advocate for HIV prevention to raise awareness and understanding of HIV/AIDS in the general public. 

We established the first LGBTQ center, “Sunshine Queer Center” in 2010 in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. Next, we established “South Rainbow Street NO.6” in Tainan in 2012, funded by local government. In our LGBTQ community and health service centers, we provide public talks related to health, in-depth interviews, online interaction, community outreach, medical referral, telephone counseling and other services. 

Despite LGBTQ-related issues being marginal in Taiwan society, we believe that it is a human right issue that concerns everyone. Via community mobilization, our job is to form an important platform for LGBTQ groups. 

In 2017, we established HERO (Healing, Empowerment, Recovery Of Chemsex), an integrated health center that takes care of sex health and substance use issues. In response to the rising trend of chemsex (use of recreational drugs during sex) in the community, we aim to provide a friendly, integrated, rapid and innovative health service in a safe and welcoming environment. Our healthcare model is “treatment”, “rehabilitation” and “empowerment.” 

HERO is different from traditional HIV/STD care center. We provide a safe STD treatment environment that offers screening, treatment and prevention for a variety of STDs and HIV, chemsex counselling, substance use treatment, and the prescription of PEP and PrEP. Our concept is to integrate substance use treatment, rehabilitation and empowerment, and to create a rapid and convenient treatment environment. Most important of all, we expect all potential clients with health risks can receive the right care in the shortest possible time.

HERO is different from traditional HIV/STD care center. We provide a safe STD treatment environment that offers screening, treatment and prevention for a variety of STDs and HIV, chemsex counselling, substance use treatment, and the prescription of PEP and PrEP. Our concept is to integrate substance use treatment, rehabilitation and empowerment, and to create a rapid and convenient treatment environment. Most important of all, we expect all potential clients with health risks can receive the right care in the shortest possible time.
